The Hague

The Hague

be Known - be Trusted - be In Control JanusID is a European, independent and globally focused organization that provides digital identities and mobile verification services. There is a growing need for instantaneous and secure

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The 2Tokens project aims to develop a clear path to realising value from Tokenisation. Ultimately this is a guide on how to use Tokenisation, first surfacing up challenges with the current legal & regulatory environment and

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You can do Risk & Compliance and Credit Management checks. Handelzeker assists SMEs that are subject to Wwft compliance with the Law on the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism.

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Empowering Changemakers Justice and Peace Netherlands is a human rights NGO based in The Hague, the City of Peace and Justice. For the last 50 years, we have been working on promoting human rights, worldwide and in the

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Accelerating scalable solutions for peace, justice & security, using data science through entrepreneurship Data Science Initiative is an open accelerator for entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial organizations, to create scalable

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Where buildings become smart. OCTO utilizes a mixture of Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Drone Imaging Technology to give data-driven insights on both an operational and a strategic level. A fast-growing

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Privacy Management Implementation & Solutions | Master Class Education (Assistant) DPO | Masterclass PIA | GDPR Register design | Blockchain | Visualization

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Working towards the social and economic empowerment of refugee and migrant women.

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The Hague Facts is the gateway to parliamentary information.

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Provides data collection services and expert analysis of credit risk. AML

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