

LEGALCITY / JUSTICITY Plateforme SAAS de résolution des litiges (Médiation / Arbitrage / Recouvrement) des Entreprises

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Your online tax assistant. "Legaltech" online tax assistance, this website aims to solve small disputes in tax matters, easier access to a tax lawyer, support for the tax return and the provision of reliable tax information.

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End the unpaid and late payments! I download a GOODPayeur report before signing a contract with a customer I relaunch an invoice effectively preserving my business relationship

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Juri'Predis, the jurisprudential search engine with artificial intelligence

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is here to help you simply and quickly – whether you need a legal document, or you encounter a more complex legal situation, which requires the advice or intervention of a lawyer. Simple, step-by-step instructions allow you to

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Embedded Digital Signature leader. We certify Data, Documents & Processes with Blockchain . Trust Traceability Compliance Privacy Cybersecurity Bitcoin

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